Saturday, March 26, 2011

Luther on Antinomianism

 "My best friends want to grind me under foot and throw the gospel into confusion. On that account I shall arrange a disputation to challenge my adversaries. Perhaps they'll put on humility, but I won't be content with this appearance of theirs. I'll call them by name so that they answer to their positions publicly. The matter isn't to be treated in a frivolous manner. At stake is the glory of Christ, not our reputation."

Thereupon he [Martin Luther] said with a deep sob, "How painful it is to lose a good friend, one who is cherished with a great love! I've had him [John Agricola] at my table, he has laughed with me, and yet he opposes me behind my back. I won't stand for it. Nor can he maintain his position, for it's the crassest error to reject the law. It would be more tolerable if only it were other errors and offenses that were at issue. But to reject the law, without which neither church nor civil authority nor home nor any individual can exist, is to kick the bottom out of the barrel. It's time to resist. I can't and I won't stand for it."

Then he [Martin Luther] related with what gentleness he had rebuked him and with what cunning he [Agricola] responded.
AE LW v54 p248

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